is awesome.
is awesome.
Mehh, more of an expansion pack then a sequel/new game. Tho multiplayer is good.
I felt it was a good complete game. Much more than just an expansion to be sure. Just tried the MP today after having beaten it and yea its pretty fun though not something thats going to keep me coming back constantly.
I thought the multiplayer was OK. Could be better if everyone I played didn't lag so badOriginally Posted by Butane
And if you gave l4d2 more than a 7/10 you are a filthy hypocrite.Originally Posted by Butane
gave l4d2 a 5/10 bc the timing thingy.
give l4d2 a 0/10 for ruining a competitive community and still managing to be an awful game.(announced 6 months after launch. so wheres my episode 3?) Also bioshock 2 was good. ending was much better this time around unlike the first one.
>relying on a half life game for a recent release date.Originally Posted by Snarf
Just beat Bioshock 2. It was short, sweet, and the ending was great. Definitely worth my 50 bucks
Will be buying most definitely. Waiting to beat Bioshock 1 before I make the purchase. Hoping by the time I do take the time to beat #1, B2 will have dropped to at least $40 =)