still it does not change the fact that credit card companies are evil and can destroy ur credit easily
still it does not change the fact that credit card companies are evil and can destroy ur credit easily
YOU DESTROY YOUR OWN CREDIT, saying that credit card companies destroys your credit is like saying that Toyota crashes your car.
dammit stop makin me laugh i hav diareah......... (im f**kin serious............yeah i hav decided to invest in the revolution....Im not a big nintendo fan but after doin sum research and watchin E3 it seems that nintendo is actually doin sumthin right for a change....i like the fact the wii will alwayz b connected 2 the internet so even when ur asleep ppl can still visit ur server or world when ur console is turned off............dammit i was gonna say sumthin else but i forgot
dude i had enough with thes new systems
i might get a 360 in december
for now im just waiting for zelda:twilight princess
im buying a wii and nothing else........i dont see the need 2 waste the money,,,,,,,,,all these systems will b like $200 one day
Wii all the way.. woo
yeh nintendo really suprised me this E3. i thought they were dead. i like the way this miyamoto or watevr tf his name is thinks.
yeah it looks good
but i think the control interface will be a little wierd and hard to adjust to
hey im all for new things
They're just trying to get the gamer more involved in the game. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo made the 1st virtual reality system with the way they're going. But i could just be reaching... a bit...