whats min. donation to get reserved slot?
whats min. donation to get reserved slot?
It's definitely worth it too. Hmm, I should donate again, been a while.....more money coming your way DF!
"The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number."
My Reputation
Make sure you enter it right? I don't know. You'd have to ask paypal.
Is there a place on the site that will show me the total amount I've donated?
I think it is PayPal....this is quite odd....will find out whats up and see about using a different card.Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
My Reputation
bah... I donated 5. If i donate 5 more will i get a slot?
yes! it will keep track up to the min of 10! (as long as u use the same paypal email address)Originally Posted by Boom3r
Awesome! done!
I know it kicks in once the server reloads the maps, but how do you know if it's working?