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your posting halo news on a Half-Life oriented forums, blasphemeing about how good master cheif looks on THAT system... god... if Sony doesnt do something REALLY STUPID than Xbox360 is going to be the next dreamcast, and master cheif will cry (because he doesnt have any human freinds and needs to resort to commercial adveritizment and unintelligent "blast everything with half a strategy" gameplay in order to exist)
but thats just my oppinion... *cough* Metal Gear Solid 4 PWNs halo *cough*
the only reason PS3 isnt as popular as XB360 is because 360 came out first, if ps3 were out right now than it would be out dead in the water like the 360, with HUGE PILES OF TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. it like boll gates woke up one morning: "lets get back at sony for releasing a clearly supperior product that overshadowed our crappy media player by releasing this pile of crap tech error conglomeration too early, therefore getting a jump on the compettition" LAME
BUT OMEGA, you may say, PS3 IS MORE EXPENCIVE LOL?. wrong again, after you get finished NOT PAYING FOR INTERNET SERVICE on the PS3, the difference will pay itself off in about 2~3 years...
"AND OMEGA, THE CONTROLLERS ARE BOOMERANGY!!! LOL PS3 BOOMERANG CONTROLLER IS FTL." they fixed that, and now not only do the ps3s have the already supperior of the ps2, they have a gyroscope that can detect motion. and an eye toy. and a solid group of franchised instead of a few upstarts.