he is a faggot. banned me permanently for raging at someone who trolled my post. got myself unbanned instantly when complained to steam. figures
he is a faggot. banned me permanently for raging at someone who trolled my post. got myself unbanned instantly when complained to steam. figures
I love how most of these people are getting angry just because he is strict with his enforcement of the rules. Like the idiot above me, you people try to justify how your breaking of the rules was totally okay, even though it's still breaking their forum rules.
It would be like me triple bumping a tf2 items thread, then justifying it and saying Butane sucks because the threads were moving really fast.
I was a commando you know.
me referenced in an eram thread?Originally Posted by Snarf
In the real world, when I don't like how a particular place runs their business...I go somewhere else. If I stay, I force myself to follow their rules, however much I may disagree with them. Oh, and I don't go to another business and complain and bitch about how the other one sucks because I broke their rules and they didn't like it. No one is forcing you to post on SPUF. If you insist, then follow their rules. If you are going to do the same here, then maybe you should go back to SPUF. Because we insist you follow our rules here as well.
See, here's the problem with the whole "Don't break SPUF's rules" argument.
Eram doesn't give a fuck about SPUF's rules. His banning is completely arbitrary, with no respect for the rules he's SUPPOSED to be enforcing. He doesn't cite reasons the majority of the time because he seldom has any, and in fact, contributes heavily to the decay of rationality.
This is not about how SPUF runs its forums, it's about how eram is a blight on them and, as anyone who has even witnessed his behaviour can attest, should be stripped of his power and ideally permabanned.
Uh not really, almost every one of these posts involves them breaking the rules. He just enforces them strictly. You would be as cynical and sarcastic as him if you moderated the spuf.
I was a commando you know.
Well, here's a chance to prove that his conduct is improper. I already know for a fact that he's locked threads with no justification whatsoever, but I sent a complaint to Valve and now I'd like as much evidence as possible to back it with. I want to sack them with every indecent act this scumbag has ever committed and get him removed from power forever.
So if anyone can provide screenshots or any solid evidence of any of his abuses of power, it'd be appreciated.
Valve probably doesn't care about your petty forum complaints. Also I don't believe forum moderators HAVE to justify anything they do.
I was a commando you know.
They do have to follow the rules, but I'm guessing Valve just cares that the amount of shit he stops is in a high ratio to the amount of not-shit-but-still-retarded-and-pointless.
The only complaints anyone has against him is they broke a minor rule and got punished (omg not fair!!), or for doing something generally pointless (omg me too).
Not every mod can be as even handed as Butane, especially not on the cesspool that is SPUF (due to its userbase).
Of course Valve doesn't care. There's a reason I'm not just citing his post history, and instead asking for hard examples.
Trust me, he has a terrible actual productivity:being a power-mad asshole ratio. Even when he does actually enforce a minor rule, he drastically overdoes it for one person and utterly fails to do anything about 90% of the perpetrators, as though penalties can be lumped up.
SPUF if trash, with or without him. I don't care about it. I just don't like the thought of people like eram prospering, so the least one can do is actually bring something to Valve in protest of him.
They don't do anything about support tickets about issues requiring immediate attention, though. Even a petition would have a better chance.