I was a commando you know.
Hey! That's my necro pic! GO FIND YOUR OWN!!
Dont like eram at all. He closes and deletes the 3 threads i have for a group, and after i msg him back around 4 times, he never responds to why i got my thread deleted.
Oh, hi Felt, I'm the soon-to-be-HOUWAR-owner.Yeah, eram's been kind of an ass lately, no idea why. Those PMs look like the typings of an egotistical thirteen year old, not a moderator of any kind of forum, let alone an official one.
EDIT: Oops, seems like I had you mistaken for someone else. Oh well, my point still applies.
Most people hate Eram because he bans you for bumping.
No other reason.
Though, there has been cases where hes just being an ass, and he once dug through my post history looking for the smallest bit of bad post to ban me for.
Needless to say, banned.
Eram is scum. He is arrogant, childish, ineffective, power-abusing, and enforces rules -usually idiotic ones which were probably results of his actions- sporadically and in the most unprofessional and obnoxious manner ever. Note that he has never enforced any rule which actually bears enforcement and in fact actively contributes to what should be bannable offenses.
Nepotism is the only excuse I could believe for his employment, as I would be deeply ashamed to even have someone like him as a visitor of anything I run, let alone a moderator.
There is not a single person I have ever seen respect him (anyone who appears to is much more likely a troll than a legitimate supporter), and judging from his volatile and showy behaviour, this includes himself. There should be a petition for his firing, and I would sign and promote it everywhere.
Eram has only ever made Steam Forums a worse place, and that's an impressive feat. It's inarguable that he's despicable simply based on the fact that this thread has reached 9 pages of collective agreement.
And for the record, I'm not just talking about his bump-banning. He has closed threads for any reason or no reason at all, insulted people from behind his moderator status, and generally antagonized people for no reason other than the logical conclusion that he has a very small penis.
I'm serious about the petition. I really think someone should make a petition for his firing. If I had the time and patience, I'd do it myself.
9 pages of rage, when the real problem is you guys post on SPUF.
Originally Posted by Kikwit
lol'd glad I didn't read all of that