Dec 28, 2009, 03:34 AM
Goldrush=Stacking Point Whores?
I'm pretty much new to sourceOP, but I've been playing here long enough to know one thing..thats the animosity towards goldrush. I know this does not just come from your everyday pub scrub who is complaining about stacked teams but in reality they suck at video games..but the whining has to stop..seriously..alot of these posts I've read are full of cry babies about goldrush...its always the disgruntled, egotistical rotationers. I've seen stacking at other sourceOP servers. Stop trying to single us out because more noobs come to goldrush than regulars. The rotation is always swarming with regulars..so unbalanced teams isnt really an issue. There are times where I wish the team we're rolling knew what they were doing. Most regulars log on for a GOOD GAME! We are not point whores either. The only people who call us point whores are the people who need to play at goldrush because obviously they dont realize that payload maps are E-Z points. They come faster whether your looking for them or not.
I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that everyone stacks unless they are the player getting followed. Whenver vicious, , lt. death, mexican cowboy, or any other top guys with the most skill log on...they get followed..but OMG is it so bad now to know that you guys do it too? Over time you guys have summed up that sourceOP goldrush is filled with a bunch of spamming demomen and stacking point whores. Well what I can sum up about you guys is that you all are a bunch of whining hypocrites.