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kill the shit out of them.
i want the demo where you switch off the stacked team and rape the whole enemy team and win the game for them.
I don't take demos, but I know I've done this multiple times, as have other people. Usually much gloating follows afterwards when alltalk is on after round end. I probably have screenshots, but as I am on the road you will sadly have to go without masturbating to my pubby godliness.
Seriously though, long story short? Get over it and kill shit. If you lose, big deal, you get better at fighting against people who are less terrible.

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As to you not frequenting valve maps i know you do it was a figure of speech its incredibly obvious when someone is a regular.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
I didnt say i hated it i find it a bit annoying that the scramble vote goes up so often and generally doesnt make a large difference. It is like pushing through with an uber and winning the game for your team then on death being autobalanced. pulling the team yourself is probably rare for anyone if you do lead a team to victory you probably had help(a medic?). regardless its possible but everything is possible and some teams are impossible. The only loss that bugs me is a steamroll loss where the whole team obvious has their head up their ass.