This goes out to retributution,raydude and nublet/nubl3t
I like most players come here to have fun,not to involve in childish arguments about really trivial and pointless issues.
Do please have consideration for other players and the admin,like try to act mature, DO NOT TRY TO SHOW how clever you think you are, as many other players will not share your particular sense of humour and consider being nice,or maybe I will suggest you lot get banned more often by the admin as you three reguarly ruin a game by talking pretentious twaddle.
And, oh, just to clarify,if you tell a player he/she is sad for playing hl2 whatever their age,what does that say about you?
A few things to clarify for the uneducated players
pot,kettle,black is NOT RACIST, it is a well used phrase short for:
Pot calling the kettle black
Therefore to use the expression 'Pot calling the kettle black' was to indicate to the listener that there was absolutely nothing to choose between one of two or more positions, people, behaviors etc.
Which means if you say something about "get a life.stop playing hl2 online" that can refer to you as well.
And is there a age limit for playing hl32 online, er no.
And,I have never said and will never say I am an admin.
I hate players who moan about there being no challenge in a game when every kill is with the rpg...hypocrites, we do not need here. And whenthis is pointed out they get abusive as they cannot argue in a rational manner. And then they start moaning about the camping as well.
All,if you want to talk twaddle online,great, but in hl2 on sourceop, players should not feel that when they come here they will definitely absoutely without any confusion be abused,if you want to abuse people, do it elsewhere.
Not on sourceop !!