Remember when you got your medal ? so happy that you were the person who got the one and only nmbered medal? yeah so lucky you. i happened to have no connection at that time. but you kno what? i happened upon clicking the secret gibus link on the halloween update. i felt special. like ive got a medal. and then guess what? some dumb achievements were made that you can get a gibus without the secrets and stuff. i raged. why would they make a link to a secret limited edition hat if they gave it away just like that? and then when crafting went out i thought, if it wouldnt be nice if you could craft this: 2x Gibus + Classs Token=Class hat, and 2x Gibus = random hat. Wouldn't it be nice if they would make something like this? we could be proud like the shiny limited medal bearers. my suggestion is to make a petition, give it to DF for him to email it to VALVE (they will listen ). so? /sign here !