Is selling a Steam acc a ''crime''??Cause I have no interests in Steam games anymore.... only playing lotro(lol i know). So I was thinking about to sell it for paypall, unless you get a ban from it.
Is selling a Steam acc a ''crime''??Cause I have no interests in Steam games anymore.... only playing lotro(lol i know). So I was thinking about to sell it for paypall, unless you get a ban from it.
So no one is gonna help me
Would really need the information....
If anyone is interested here is my game list:
Orange box
Poker night
Killing floor
CS 1 Anthology
And I have 0.18$ in the acc WOW!
Here is list of TF2 items I have:
Not selling the account, if this is restricted. Then only selling those items.
Most of us live in America and it's like 2am here... don't expect instant responses.
I was a commando you know.
Ouh.... That's true....
But as you van se Im ''newbie'' in here, so I don't no do i have to bump here etc xD
34 views, but only 1 commented.... Well I guess it isn't big crime to sell it....
Love to say crime, makes me feel badass xD(I know that it's not the right word for that)
You're somewhat impatient, there are hundreds of websites that allow you to sell steam accounts / trade for other things. However the legality of it is a different thing, that's up for Valve to decide and I'm not a lawyer so I cannot comment directly but if I had to I'd probably say that Valve isn't too fond of account selling.
Either way be patient. Most of the views are probably from you.
In-case anyone is wondering, it is a direct violation of the TOS. It isn't illegal but it's against the TOS which means your account will get disabled should they find out.
I was a commando you know.
And why it is not allowed to sell steam accounts on this site, mods lock all such threads if that gives you an indication of their take on the issue.Originally Posted by Snarf