I play on the sourceop arena server all the time and I love the votekick system. I just bought a small server and was wondering how I can add this to my server or if it's even available. Thanks
I play on the sourceop arena server all the time and I love the votekick system. I just bought a small server and was wondering how I can add this to my server or if it's even available. Thanks
google is your friend.
Obvious troll is obvious.Originally Posted by Snarf
105 posts clearly im trolling. google it its VERY VERY VERYYYYY OBVIOUS i could probably find it by just guessing. http://www.igtfy.com/?q=team+fortress+2+votekick+mod also http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name...ewtopic&t=1113 . maybe you should read around before you ask a dumb question.
The only dumb question is one not asked. The first link you put is clearly a link of a troll. The second link I've already read and I KNOW that sourceop hasn't been released, but that's not what I am asking so here goes the original question since you obviously don't know how to read questions properly
You never answered the question but rather boosted your post count with pointless posts which is considered trolling. A simple answer would have been "No, it has not been released yet." or "This mod is part of Sourceop and therefore not available." but no instead you tell me to google something that might not even be available to the public and you basically contradicted yourself with your second link since it is stating that SourceOp has not and probably will not be released to the public so why the hell did you tell me to google something that won't come out?was wondering how I can add this to my server or if it's even available
Obvious troll is obvious.
Hes not trolling, hes just another internet tough-guy who thinks that being a dick makes him awesome.
Thanks zero I have sourcemod installed but what plugin is it that the sourceop is using? I've found some votekick mods but thats only for admins. I like the sourceop votekick system that way we don't need to have an admin on all the time when someone is afk, spamming, hacking, etc.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
It's part of SourceOP, and like you said, it's not released.
aw i knew it just wanted to confirm it =(Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
thanks drunken I hope one day you release it or at least release with a price? i would pay just to let you know![]()