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76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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is ex clan anything like that clan on AdminOP for TFC that will earn their way up the admin ladder and abuse the hell out of adminship when nobody is looking (doing things like making their freinds admin w/o permission, spamming up the server with their "WERE ADMINS AND CAN DO WHAT WE WANT, LOL?" attitude)
i accidentally made one of those sneaky bastards on my server and they effing banned me! i went on when i got an instant message from a freind saying my server was being raped by my new admins, i went on there not letting them know that i was the owner, AND THEY EFFING BANNED ME FROM MY OWN SERVER. i was pissed, because even though it is the easiest fix in the world, its just the thought of the thing, when i went to unban myself after revoking their adminship, THERE WERE 35 PEOPLE IN THE BAN LIST!!!!
thats beside the point, though, is it a simmilar clan?