You don't have a direct hit.Originally Posted by unknown
Then again you can't juggle with that because two hits and you are out.
You don't have a direct hit.Originally Posted by unknown
Then again you can't juggle with that because two hits and you are out.
Doing 150 damage over 75 is stupid?Originally Posted by Kaylee
yes i do, yes i can. but original is going to be used more widely not only because it leaves room for error, but it also raises one's survival rate by allowing them to cause damage from cover consistentlyOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
and kittehlee i apologize if it seemed condescending, i really enjoy reading what you have to say
Don't listen to her. She's just a cat playing on the keyboard. Also, so far I'm more annoyed getting one-hit-melee-killed from behind as a scout by demomen outrunning me than I am with the equalizer. Close quarters it's bad news, but I've seen a lot of people trying to use it in the open getting shotgunned.
It's much harder to hit with the pipe launcher in melee (don't start that insulting get-better bs now, it is ALWAYS easier to hit with melee in melee), you don't have to reload the melee weapon, and even if you do hit you hurt yourself, and I'm pretty sure targe doesn't reduce self damage even though it's blast damage.Originally Posted by Snarf
eyelander doesnt one-hitOriginally Posted by boelter
its 2-3 on a low-health class
Isn't there guaranteed crit with a long distance targe charge? In any case, I agree that there is no real "drawback" to the equalizer. It doesn't even have a reduced attack speed, does it? Looking at the KGB I think that would be enough to "balance" it. I mean, the fact that it's most effective at low health is an interesting angle, but I don't think it would be used when a soldier has full health anyway. Who regularly pulls out a shovel in the middle of a ranged duel? It does the same damage as the shovel after one rocket jump and adds an advantage to most situations where the shovel would have been used anyway.
Again, this is how I feel so far. I haven't had the chance to use either myself.
how in lords name can you miss a pipebomb at point blank range? thats like having bad aim as a heavy honestly.
If you're facing the other directionOriginally Posted by Snarf
Scout.Originally Posted by Snarf