Agree but I don't like what Unknown said eitherOriginally Posted by Drunken F00l
Agree but I don't like what Unknown said eitherOriginally Posted by Drunken F00l
hey look someone with a brainOriginally Posted by unknown
i love you unknown
people seem to believe rockets can snipe people. lolno
stickies can though
How incompetent do you have to be to lose as a soldier at close range?
Are we forgetting that you get hit once and then you lose control of movement and then the second hit is a guaranteed kill? Are you that idiot that always tries for the head at close range?
who are you even arguing against
whoever was suggesting that soldiers lose in up-close battles to demomen.Originally Posted by Hell-met
pipebombs? do a 6v6 pug and notice that a soldier avoids close range with demomen.
also notice that all of the snipers are using huntsman and the scouts avoid close-range battlesOriginally Posted by Snarf
@OZA, a good demoman (one whos good with pipes, that is) gets close to you, even if you're a soldier, you can expect to lose. the speed of pipes, plus the fact that a demoman can dodge more easily than a soldier, means that the soldier will more likely go flying.
however, i can say with a decent amount of confidence that you dont see that kind of skill in a pub. for the same reason that people dont spam "airshot" or "" [read: because there's no skill in pubs]
Rocket jump: first shot to the feet, second shot to where he is landing. I have played against competitive players who main demoman and with this strategy they are dead before you hit the ground.Originally Posted by unknown
That or get RIGHT IN THEIR FACE so it becomes "who has the most health" and they get blown up by their own explosions.
Tarvish DegrootOriginally Posted by Drunken_F00l
is an anagram for
"ghetto advisor"
Saxton Hale
is an anagram
for "hot anal sex"