Well sorry for my bad grammar and im not trying to close this thead because 1.) im not a troll 2.) im tired of being considered a troll 3.) it's completley off topic and now im getting made criticized of my bad grammar.
Well sorry for my bad grammar and im not trying to close this thead because 1.) im not a troll 2.) im tired of being considered a troll 3.) it's completley off topic and now im getting made criticized of my bad grammar.
Kailan, I'm a bit confused. You're last post had a pic that suggested that because of an issue, that made you feel sad. However, your sig stated 'you make my heart super happy!' Which is it??!
I was sad that his grammar in that post was bad, but my friends helped me feel better by making silly faces. Silly faces are one of the things that make me feel happy!
What makes you feel happy Bigdog565?
i dont think anything in my life really right now will make me happy, and now you will probablly call me a grevier now wont you guys? sorry my life has been fucked up for way to long.
just listen to my theme song look up beautiful by eminem it basically describes my life at this point.
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/TrollOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
* 21- Lie considerably and professionally.
* 22- Never admit you are a troll. Even after the job is done.
im not a Fucking Troll for Gods sake!
Originally Posted by Bigdog565