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You are bitching about something like resistive touchscreens when android still can't install applications to anything other than the integrated memory?
Do you know how fast I nuked that phone when I ran out of system memory and couldn't install anything else?
Not to mention that touch-screen phones are for idiots in the first place. I will keep my keypad and stylus, thank you.
I would mention that the Android system was slow and liked to crash all of the fucking time because it sucked at multi-tasking, and EVERY AVAILABLE APP had to be payed for, but I am assuming that they have fixed this.
We seem to forget that Windows was doing everything the android brags about better before android even existed.

Originally Posted by
Yes, that is why everyone who uses their 3G network constantly complains of dropped connectivity while everyone that has verizon is happy and content
Who is everyone? Those idiots they pay to act on their commercials? Was that map they kept flashing really that mesmerizing to you?
I have never been dropped from my 3G network with AT&T, and I have never tried verizon because their support is absolute shit, their phones are shit, and I could never afford their shit prices.

Originally Posted by
There is a reason why hardly anyone is developing phones for windows mobile anymore.
It is the same reason that the Ipod Shuffle does better than the Sansa Clip, it has nothing to do with the products themselves. It all boils down to a bunch of morons and children suckling Steve Job's slimy aids-ridden cock.
Have fun falling face-first for every little bit of viral anti-marketing you can fit into your retinas, but sooner or later the fact that the smart-phone market is dominated by hipster faggots and twelve year-olds will tell you something about how these phones are being used.
I bet you will be trying to tell me about how much the Wii is better than the PS3 because more people bought it.