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Thread: just started playing dragon age

  1. #1
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    just started playing dragon age

    hey guys, I thought there was a thread about talking about general game strategy and experiences, but I must be becoming rattled in the head because I can't find it.

    anyway, I started off as a Human Noble Rogue and im a few hours in so far. I generally like alistar, and hes started to like me after a few gift ales. Morrigans a different story.. she really can't stand me running off to help peasents. I really only use her for CC and buffs - is there another mage I can recruit later? Possibly someone with a heal from the chantry that will get along with alistar? I thought that hoe at the beginning with the chantry robes would be but she was just a rogue =/

    anyway yeah. are you guys still playing this?

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    Fides's Avatar

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    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    morrigan is easier to please later in the game than earlier, you just have to start thinking less like you are playing a video game. (WEREWOLF ARMY :3)

    Just talk to her at camp and give her jewelery and you will have her in your pocket.

    I haven't found a better mage for healing yet, though. I just made her into a spirit healer as a second spec.

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    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Righton. Thanks for the link Fides.

    This game really reminds me of Bladurs Gate / Icewind Dale .. its really great. I dont even mind the micromanagement.

    I did a bit of wiki searching on which companions you can get..

    Im running myself (rogue, dual wielder with focus on persuasion and lock picking) alistar (tank shield build) my dog (which will eventually be replaced by a 2hander dwarf) and morri (until i can get wynne to join - apparently a great spirit healer as long as you can keep her happy, might be interesting with alistar in the party)

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    Drbumpy's Avatar

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    you should also check the forums here for the thread about useful mods, there's one in particular that fixes daggers, makes life infinitely easier as a rogue.

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    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    I completely forgot that I let half of the obtainable characters die... most of them before I even met them. (don't skip the first town that morrigan takes you to, folks, it gets ate by darkspawn)

  7. #7
    Rostov's Avatar

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    I'm taking my time with the game. I just left the first town last night. Now I figure out where to go next. Then again, I probably won't play the game until the weekend.

  8. #8
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    I had forgotten about the threads w/ listed mods, thanks for the reminder bumpy. I am a much happier rogue with the dexterity fix.

    I've learned to save often after a recent crash, and I just can't stop playing! Im sure Ill be sneaking play time in today at work

  9. #9
    Ranma's Avatar

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    I found it easy as hell to please everyone, particuarly after gifting. Each person has their favorite types of gifts, Alistar loves figurines, Morrigan loves jewelry. There is a healer mage you can get but I dunno if you want me to outright tell you where they're found?

    I've taken to using the respec mod on all the characters as I got them for the first time since otherwise the game would autolevel them up to your current level before giving them to you.

    My character is a elf mage (Arcane warrior/Spirit Healer) and my main party is Alistar(Templar/Berserker), Morrigan(Blood Mage/0 points in shapeshifter) and Lelianna(Bard/Ranger)

    Ranger is an awesome pet class and Arcane warrior is just sickeningly good as is Blood Mage. So my main I use as debuff and nuker, Morrigan is cc and nuker, alistar is tank and leli is really just needed for picking locks but I feel her ranger pet puts her ahead of zevran, plus even with archery being broken, she gets some amazing damage with rapid fire, special arrows, her bear and her poisons. I'm just waiting for an official dex fix patch which wont overpower the enemies archers and then I fully expect leli to be my powerhouse.

  10. #10
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    I installed the full dex patch (for daggers and bows) and I don't have a problem really

    I should look into the respec mod actually. Im burning through content quick though, so Im sure Ill do a few playthroughs.. maybe buy the game even to get the DLC

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