Without faith without believing in something what are we?
Without faith without believing in something what are we?
down to earth and sensibleOriginally Posted by chernobyl_blessing
If you think that your way is the only way that is sensible, I guess. But what does that say about you?Originally Posted by completely_different
The only people im really afraid of is those who are sure of their ideologies and beliefs because they're either lunatics or not bright.
I was only joking.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Questioning everything extends to questioning yourself. Welcome to existentialism 101.Originally Posted by Versed
Sartre is in my living room chillin', eating some dexedrine.
Question yourself first, as nothing has as much influence on your life as your own self.
My psychiatrist told me I was too sexy. she then per scribed me several steamy lovemaking sessions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbBi2j_HLTc&feature=fvw .(sorry couldn't find any other good porn music)
this gets the point across nicely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbYtq...eature=relatedOriginally Posted by Snarf