Nov 13, 2009, 04:25 PM
Gaming and your audio set up
So, I'm going to start working/apprenticing at an acoustics firm and was wondering how much time/effort you all put into your gaming sound systems/room.
The guy I'm working for/learning from does installs in all sorts of venues: theaters, studio, home theater, and we'd like to get some insight how much thought gamers put into their audio system--including how much they consider room acoustics, if they consider it at all.
Do you know that the shape and size of a room has just as much if not more of an influence on the sound as the speakers?
I know must of us are students or recent grads, but how much do you think it costs/would you be willing to spend the money to make your room have optimal audio for games/movies?
We drop so much money on expensive amps and speakers, but that will only take you so far. The room has to have good acoustics to make it an amazing sounding room...but is that important to you? While some speakers have DSP auto-tuning features, these are not completely fool proof. This is more for audio engineers, but some home theater types get into this stuff as well.