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are you talking about stealing? :P or is there an exploitable bug?
also, snarf, I have seen that forcefield trick posted on biowares forums, but I havent tried it myself with my 2-mage party.. I was curious what the difference in that spell and the one that negates spell damage but doesnt root the target (also from spirit tree)? My understanding is you forcefield the tank so he taunts and doesnt take damage from the aoes you cast...
TBH you dont even need to cast any aoes. as long as your party does some good dps you just down the lower ranks first and finish off the big one. forcefield lasts so long that you should really only bother aoeing around a forcefield tank if you have no melee dpsers. and rogues without the hotfix are nothing but side dpsers. Ever since i got a hotfix my rogue hits 40-70 backstabs and ranged attacks have gone up to about 300 for an arrow of slaying and 50-80 for an autoshot. the hotfix just makes rogues do what they are supposed to do and makes dexterity actaully do something.(it wasnt doing anything but hit rating for rogues although it should increase attack on piercing weapons) Also poisons dont count for ranged attacks your not making any sense. And 3 caster teams are incredibly cheap i have one xD. cone of cold spam and waking nightmare locks with constant aoes lordy lordy.