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I am a mage :)
Also, my party was 1 mage, 1 rouge and one warrior. Had a little difficulty, but then changed to 1 dog and two warriors. What skills/abilities did you choose for your mage? I chose many of the fire/ice/lightning ones. Some spells are pretty useless in my opinion, like heal, as you'll need mana for more offense. I also chose herbalism and poison as my skills; poison isnt really useful as you cant coat your staff with poison but the ice/fire bombs are alright.
I tried mage like three times. Apperantly you have to micro-manage like a motherfucker.
The farthest I got was when I dumped all of my stats into spellpower and just went along nuking the fuck out of everything. (100 spellpower +50% increased fire damage, with my party always having about 40% fire resistance)
I got pissed when I decided to make my golem friend an army of golem friends and he decided he wanted to kill me.