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Thread: noob question regarding alkyhol

  1. #21
    fubar28's Avatar

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    well after watching several photos and videos of me drunk, i have decided to cut down the drinking

    i didn't realize how stupid i got

  2. #22
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitrix
    No offense to american beer, but czech beer is 200 times better :)
    weinhards has something to say about that.

    canadian beer is awesome because it has Kokanee to back it up. fuck yeah.

  3. #23
    Agua's Avatar

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    As someone who has tried between 400-500 different beers, has a very decent knowledge of wine, has drank for seven years without a hangover, and occasionally enjoys a good cigar or a 45-minute smoke on my church warden pipe, I feel inclined to comment.

    I have never had any problems mixing drinks. There are a few reasons for that; being of Prussian-Irish lineage helps. If you want an excellent buzz with very little after effects, drink only top shelf liquors. Rail liquors (low-quality, generic brands that bars use for mixed drinks) have a lot of impurities. It's these impurities that contribute to hangovers. Also, having expensive taste keeps you from slamming a $40-60+ bottle of cognac or scotch. You learn to enjoy it.

    Understand why you get headaches and throw up: you're dehydrated and your body is trying to protect you. Alcohol dehydrates you. When you're first starting to drink have a little water after every drink or every few drinks. Give yourself a good half hour or so between drinks until you learn your limit. Once you get that buzz, don't keep throwing them back. Stagger out your shots so you ride the wave of the buzz. Once you learn your limits, it will be easier to navigate. Making sure you hydrate properly that day will also keep you going longer and stronger.

    Some people swear by charcoal pills which are supposed to help absorb alcohol (fire breathers use these to cut down on the queasiness from ingesting fuel).

    The best home remedy that I have found for hangovers is a banana, an oranges, and some water. But, if you are close to puking, the acidity from the orange will upset things more. The reason this works is that the potassium in the in banana keeps water in your muscles and the orange provides natural sugar carbs which replenish your body's energy (coffee is bad because it is a diuretic which will further dehydrate you).

    And develop a taste for beer. I'm not talking about Bud, Coors, and other relatively shitty beers. Find a pub that has beers from all over the world. Some beers have a high alcohol %. These can also come in larger bottles (like Ommegong and Chimay).

    The best buzz for your buck that I have found is a Brazilian rum called cachaça. Toucano brand with an amber color runs about $20-25. It's easy to shoot, you can make a killer mixed drink with it (caipirinha--1-2 limes, 1tbs. sugar and 1-2 shots of cachaça).

    I've heard that smoking pot and drinking is a bad thing because pot will suppress your body's ability to throw up if it needs to.

    Some may say that if I've never had a hang over, then I haven't done it right. Well, the half-bottle of Bombay Sapphire that prevented me from walking would beg to differ. The only two things I can't mix are vodka and wine. I didn't throw up, but my stomach felt like it was being twisted in knots. I could hardly walk due to the pain. Other than that, I can drink any alcohol in any order and mix and match throughout the night. I do this regularly.

  4. #24
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Agua is like a IRL Saxton Hale

  5. #25
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    sadly the best 'buzz for your buck' that I know of is black velvet mixed in with extremely strong coffee.

    This is what I drink all day, every day. (alcohol kills the pain from my stomach shrinking and coffee kills my appetite. Coincidentally I am extremely poor and spend the money i SHOULD be spending on food on high-speed internet)

    anyway, I can share this goodness of never having a hangover, and I have only been sick from drinking once or twice (twice if you count the time that I thought it would be good to prevent a hangover by shotgunning a slushy-like bottle of water after I was completely wasted).

  6. #26
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    I did puke once last year, but it wasn't until 12+ hours after I drank. When I first moved to Colorado I had no idea that altitude would affect drunkenness (I moved from Missouri). I drank half a bottle of cachaça and promptly fell asleep/passed out somewhere between 2-4am. I woke up around 11am still a little drunk and felt weird and hazy all day. I didn't puke until about 5:30pm.

    So, if you travel to an altitude higher than you are used to, drink less than you normally do.

  7. #27
    db_cooper's Avatar

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    Lots of words ahoy.

    I could post a bunch of semi-expensive microbrews and single malt scotches but the whole things going to be lost on you since you're new to this booze thing.

    Start out with a simple beer that isnt hobo urine or malt liquor, weinhards is a good starter brand. Learn to enjoy it and then move on to something a little more unique such as a pale ale or porter. You'll figure out what you like and dont like eventually, but dont assume that just because you dont like something now that you wont in the future.

    As far as whiskeys go, it takes a few years to really learn to appreciate whiskey served neat (no mixer, straight booze with a drop or two of water). If you're inexperienced this isnt the way to go.

    Most cheap vodkas are not meant to be drank without a mixer or even shot. A trick that i learned years ago is to buy one of those brita water filters and filter cheap vodka through it a few times and it will taste like a more expensive brand and less foul. Filtration is really the difference between a good and bad vodka until you get into the premium brands.

    Wine, start out with a cheap merlot like yellow tail and just figure out what you like and dont like. Its something that once again will take you years to understand.

    Tequila is the fucking devil and if you like not going to jail than avoid it like the plague.

    I dont drink gin or rum so i cant comment. There are tons of other forms of hard alcohol but those are the basics. If someone ever offers you a "brutal hammer" or "prairie fire" kick them in the junk for me.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by db_cooper
    hobo urine or malt liquor like weinhards
    No es exacta! You're wrong.

  9. #29
    db_cooper's Avatar

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    Bad grammar, i meant that weinhards is a good starter beer and not malt liquor or bum piss.

  10. #30
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    I always thought it was a bit expensive as a starter.

    Then again my tastes are so odd that I don't even have room to comment on 'starter beers'.

    I have always loved dark beers more than light beers, which I hear is the exact opposite of most people starting out who haven't developed a taste for beer yet.

    I still can't, and never could, stand cheap beer (like PBR and icehouse).

    if you want some good advice then this is it: never develop a taste for cheap beer and refuse to drink it. It has saved me tons of trouble.

    Also, always have coffee the morning after heavy drinking, because it severely reduces damage to your liver.

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