Oct 30, 2009, 11:26 AM
Nov 14, 2009, 01:53 PM
Nov 21, 2009, 07:27 PM
Good idea, I support, actually anything to see if we can get our hands on even a slightly newer version of SourceOP than currently released.
Dec 04, 2009, 11:25 PM
The Chapel server (Yaypit/Monastery community) developed a command along these lines, where it will notify you at the top-right of your screen the player name and SteamID of whoever just unfrozen an item of yours. You can also type in a certain command (on mentioned server) into the console that gives you a log of players who have unfrozen items of yours. It includes the player's name, SteamID, and the exact time from what hour down to what second. It made things much easier for reporting if someone broke the rules (evidence).
It would be a lovely feature on the SourceOP, because it sucks to come back to your unfrozen creation without a clue in mind who did it. The few times I visited a SourceOP server, something of mine was unfrozen, and it just isn't worth the effort to play the role of Sherlock Holmes.