I have an idea for the futur sourceOp it's about making e_unfreeze notification for administrators/users.
Concrete example: if a lambda guy unfreeze a prop you have freezed firstly a notification appear on your screen like "BlaBla have unfreezed prop XXXX"
Why this? just for precaution.
Imagine a server when all guys have the unfreeze and freeze right
you done a big construction (ex: a house, you have done it in two hours)
Somebody appear, an unknown guys he's unfreeze all your stuff, your house got fucked in two seconds and you cant know who have done this
with an e_unfreeze notification you can prevent this and ban the unfreezer
My second idea (i dont think i'm the first who think that) is about adding custom skin models for admins/players like if an admin got connected the skin of the guy can be an headcrab, turret_floor etc...
Dudes what's do you think about those ideas ?
(Sorry for my lame English, i'm a French)
edit: screen of a house made by me today, 100% sourceop powered