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Thread: e_unfreeze notification

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  1. #1
    Xylitol's Avatar

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    e_unfreeze notification

    I have an idea for the futur sourceOp it's about making e_unfreeze notification for administrators/users.

    Concrete example: if a lambda guy unfreeze a prop you have freezed firstly a notification appear on your screen like "BlaBla have unfreezed prop XXXX"

    Why this? just for precaution.
    Imagine a server when all guys have the unfreeze and freeze right
    you done a big construction (ex: a house, you have done it in two hours)
    Somebody appear, an unknown guys he's unfreeze all your stuff, your house got fucked in two seconds and you cant know who have done this
    with an e_unfreeze notification you can prevent this and ban the unfreezer

    My second idea (i dont think i'm the first who think that) is about adding custom skin models for admins/players like if an admin got connected the skin of the guy can be an headcrab, turret_floor etc...

    Dudes what's do you think about those ideas ?
    (Sorry for my lame English, i'm a French)

    edit: screen of a house made by me today, 100% sourceop powered

  2. #2
    nonob56270's Avatar

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    I agree with the idea of Xylitol on an notification e_unfreeze.


    Because it managed to plusieur time on our server that players connects for the premiere time, unfreeze all construction and deconnecte.

    Imagine that you spent more than 3 hours has to build and that a player unfreeze quite there 20 seconds! You are irritated later a lot of workand to deconnecter you to you of the server, you have no more the strength of quite begun again!

    It is for it that an notification e_unfreeze has the next SourceOP version would be formidable!

    Thank you.

    PS : Sorry for my english language ,I am french

  3. #3
    nicatronTg's Avatar

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    Good idea, I support, actually anything to see if we can get our hands on even a slightly newer version of SourceOP than currently released.

  4. #4
    CaLeB-'s Avatar

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    The Chapel server (Yaypit/Monastery community) developed a command along these lines, where it will notify you at the top-right of your screen the player name and SteamID of whoever just unfrozen an item of yours. You can also type in a certain command (on mentioned server) into the console that gives you a log of players who have unfrozen items of yours. It includes the player's name, SteamID, and the exact time from what hour down to what second. It made things much easier for reporting if someone broke the rules (evidence).

    It would be a lovely feature on the SourceOP, because it sucks to come back to your unfrozen creation without a clue in mind who did it. The few times I visited a SourceOP server, something of mine was unfrozen, and it just isn't worth the effort to play the role of Sherlock Holmes.

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