Dec 11, 2004, 04:15 PM
[old] Forum Rules
Please make sure to fully read this post before you begin posting! Your continued use of this site means you funny accept the sites rules.
- General
[list:a0d6666c00] - Be polite and respectful to other members including Admins/Moderators.
- Do NOT double post, edit your post!
- HTML is NOT allowed in posts or signatures
- Use the search fuction! Do NOT post things that have already been posted!
- Do NOT spam the testing forum or any other forum!
- Do NOT post spam, phishing links, links to warez sites or any other inappropriate Internet sites, including, but not limited to, pornography, racist/hate, etc, sites.
- Threads or posts are subject to deletion at any time without prior notice.
- Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention.
- Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, posts that do not contribute any substance whatsoever or the such, aka "shitposting"
- Do NOT impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself.
- Posts should be in English only. Non-English posts may be removed.
- Do not advertise outside sites/communities.
- Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or is bound by NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
- No nickname will be chosen that is similar in sound, spelling or characteristics of any existing Administrator or Moderator. Any nickname found to be in violation of this rule could and/or will be changed or deleted at any time without prior notification or explanation to the member.
- This is a privately owned website. Membership here is not a right. It's a privilege. We hold the right to refuse membership to anyone at anytime.
- All Rules are open to interpretation by Administrators. Not by members.
- We reserve the right to modify the rules at anytime and apply them retroactively.
- Use NO more than 4 per post. Some exceptions will be made for the Tesing forum. But do NOT spam them!
[*]Avatars and Signatures
- There will be no swearing/cursing within signatures or banners, including middle finger shots.
- Avatars are limited to 80x80 and should not contain swearing/cursing or pornography.
- Maximum signature length is 280 characters
- Maximum signature size 600x200 and no more than 3 mb.
- Maximum avatar file size is 6144 bytes
Please remember the golden rule: Treat other forum users the way you would like to be treated. Please use common courtesy, and enjoy using SourceOP's forums.
Breaking ANY of these rules will make your post subject to being edited or deleted and action up-to and including, being permanently banned from the site!
last update 6-23-12 bu