76561197968599044 Steam join date: Aug 31, 2004
Steam Level: 239
Profile Status:
In addition to the general board rules, the following rules are specific to the trading section of this site:
- General
[list:8feb993520] - Don't sell accounts (steam or any other). Gifting games through steam is ok, CD key, activation code, steam wallet code selling is not.
- Don't make more then one forum account.
- Don't sell items outside of source/steam (ex. cars, shoes, cellphones).
- Don't create multiple threads. Close your old threads before creating a new one. Threads will be locked and will not be unlocked.
- Don't bump your thread within 2 hours of the last post in that thread. If your thread gets locked, don't create a new thread until after 4 hours have passed.
- Don't scam or leave fakerep, you will not be unbanned. I's on you to make sure you don't put yourself in such a position.
- Don't post misleading information about the products you are selling/trading. (ex. my vintage bills is one of a kind)
- Don't hijack someone else's thread. Create your own thread.
- Keep all game trading/selling/buying in one of the game trade sticky threads.
- Sharking is a bannable offense. This will be on a case by case bases. There must be proof of the incident and there must be a willing victim.
[/list:u:8feb993520]- Reputation
[list:8feb993520] - The subforum is for rep threads only, nothing else.
- Link your Steam ID64 URL in the original post of your rep thread with no additional formatting on it. This is to prevent scammers from using your rep.
- Rep left here should be limited to transactions that took place on SOP and not from other sites.
- Rep should only be left for trades that comply with SOP trading policy. See Above.
- Please be descriptive with your rep comments