Oct 20, 2009, 03:37 AM
Whats Better?
Kritz or Uber?
I didn't make it a poll because it doesn't give me your real opinion on the matter.
My personal feelings are, why uber when you can kritz and still get the job done. Plus I think its way more fun. I mean with a regular uber and your up against an sg, its just so annoying trying to get in the right position to giblet the engy so you can kill the sg which usually wastes most of the uber if not all. Whereas with kritz you just giblet the engy from the get go and side step kill the SG and anyone else who's dumb enough to stand in front of you. (im talking soldier but give opinions on any class) (this is also really on 2fort because I'm not leet enough to get ubers/kritz on the cp/payload maps, well at least i got a few on the non crit serv today but thats another story)