And no I don't mean I 'fried it' or that it 'died', I put it in the oven silly!
After weird graphical errors started occurring and a couple restarts later, I couldn't get out of 640x480 and 4 color mode.
I did what I do for every problem I have in life, I went to the bastion of knowledge that is google to solve it.
After a bunch of failed attempts to fix these problems (flashing bios, praying to the christian god, loading past drivers, praying to a hindu god) I came across this thread which had many examples of my problem exactly:
8 minutes in the oven and voila! It smelled a little funny but my graphics card works and I'm playing tf2 right now. Also the new thermic compound I used in place of the shitty factory puddy for the gpu keeps my video card 4-5 degrees cooler.
First cooking I've done in days. First successful cooking ever.