Senior Member
76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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I got my own steam agent!
Yeah, for 3 days they had a steam security guy working specifically to screw me over. i mentioned earlier how i had a hefty stock of half-life-enabled steam accounts at my disposal, well they figured it out, and they assinged a guy to monitor my host and ban account coming from it under these conditions:
the account was created suddenly and just as suddenly left idle
the account was suddenly activated by the ip is was using
the noame of the account had my name-scheme (i was so smart in making these accounts i made them all OmegaZero_Gamma through OmegaZero_Omega, alpha is my origionall account and beta is going to be legit)
So im going to do everything from now on legal, im going to be on my base ip again because i got rid of my router and im going to buy the steam platinum pack as soon as i get the money and register account OmegaZero_Beta.