ibbyOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
(((( we better still rape granary together!
sleeping around isn't a bad thing as long as you do intentionally with the purpose being to get the most out of life....
incase anyone else is looking at this thread for info, I found this article in a Wiki "A beginner's guide to Team Fortress 2 pick-up games"
has a lot of the info already given in this thread, with links to more!
played my first pug today and Jesus H. Christ medic can be super frustrating or amazingly awesome... depending on if your team can predict enemy scouts.
and it's weird how naturally you become the coordinator as medic in 6v6 even without planning it. I remember my first scrim it just sort of happened, same with today.
want to play together sometime? i dont think you are my steam friend yet.
so, df...
since the custom map server isn't getting any traffic ever and more people seem to be interested in 6v6, any chance that the custom server could get a replaced with a 6v6 style server for pugs?
the community's thoughts?
'fo sho, i pretty much followed adder's instructions so I'll be on tf2.gather and I'll try to add you on steamOriginally Posted by Zeitgeist
It isn't really the medics call although if you aren't playing with a scout it should be the medic or soldier pushing ahead bringing your team line up. Scouts are exactly what thier name entails in 6v6 games; they scout and better call out classes as quick as they can.
edit: most of my 6v6 practice took place from irc matches.
It's awesome to see so many of the SourceOP'ers getting interested in comp play.
I'll try to answer any questions you might have but are unsure of who/where to ask otherwise. The wiki guide and the Steam sticky post are awesome for getting the ball rolling, but there's much more after that.
My initial words of advice are these: There are insane players of the likes most SourceOP regulars have not seen and entire teams of them. Pace yourself and don't get discouraged if you get rolled by them, they too started out where you are right now. Comp TF2 is like a brand new game, it can be tremendously fun as long as you keep perspective.
Every time I've ended up in the same pug as solid snake he is always on the other team. It enrages me like nothing else.Originally Posted by yay