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Thread: "Versed and Insomnia are Team Stackers"

  1. #11
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    ok then there should be no harm in implementing it then, right?
    I'm not the one who makes those decisions for SourceOP. I was just stating my opinion on what Isux said.

    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    p.s. i'm fully capable of reading, by the way.
    I wasn't insinuating that you couldn't read. I was quoting b/c he already said it best- no need to repeat.

    Also, this has nothing to do with my original post but w/e...

    Quote Originally Posted by insomniaprincess
    Many regulars stack and the whole topic of "stacking" is debatable. My personal opinion is that 98% of the time people cry "stack!" there is no stack at all. But that's another issue entirely.

  2. #12
    Adder's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Isuxdix

    Which gets me thinking, isn't the whole 'change maps after 4 wins in a row' a method of unstacking teams? Wouldn't it just be better to play the map the full 30 minutes and team scramble after 3-4 wins in a row like arena?

    Why the fuck didn't I think of this before.

    Edit2: In fact isn't it pretty stupid to change maps after four wins in a row? That like penalizes the amount of time you might play on a map you like just because teams are stacked (and makes hydro impossible to unstack). Just scramble the fuckin' teams!
    Should scramble if one team wins two or three in a row.

    killing your friend is much more satisfying than being on his team.

  3. #13
    unknown's Avatar

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    i always stack to wieks' team because he bought me the game and i'm obligated to be his medic forever and ever.

  4. #14
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    i think you should be able to play on the team you want, with who want, against who you want, on a first come first serve basis.

    (exactly how it is now. or should i say, as long as no one's there to fuck everything with a !scramble)

    if people dont like it they should honestly get better at the game.

  5. #15
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    I think we should stop hoping for a scramble feature.

    Unlike valve, DF would never risk making a blatant improvement at the cost of a chunk of his fanbase.

  6. #16
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Well the comments to this thread do kind of prove my original point even though they're off the original topic. The "stacking" issue gets so many people heated that some people basically accuse anyone and everyone of it.

    My point was that versed and I play at most 4 hours every 2 weeks together and we try to get on the same team, when possible to do so (without abusing admin or the autobalance feature) and yet we are accused of stacking as well.

    You take ANY regulars from SourceOP servers, pluck any random two and then see if they *happened* to be on the same team for 4 hours or so during the past 2 weeks...

    I once witnessed people crying "stack!" when there wasn't a single player on the server with more than 6hrs. time on server. These players barely even knew one another. But one team was losing so it must have been a stack, right?

    It's like "The Gamer Who Cried Stack!" People complain about it so much that it's difficult to implement any type of system that would help those small percentages of the time in which it might be an actual "stack".

  7. #17
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Stacking doesn't have to be on purpose. I have always seen the term "the teams are stacked" synonymously with "the teams are greatly unbalanced to one-side's favor"

    and this happens literally every round. There have only been three rounds I have seen in the last few weeks where it didn't result in one of the teams getting absolutely locked into spawn. The only thing you can hope for is that somebody on the other team will push the cart to victory (even though I have seen people get votekicked for this because the regulars are all on the winning team, always, and they want to whore their stats up by spawn camping.)

  8. #18
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    i want to point out that there is RARELY a situation where the "stacked" team can't lose. if there are 30+players on, some are bound to be terribad, and some are getting into tourneys and some just know eachother and play well with eachother and there all on both teams.

  9. #19
    BillNyetheScienceGuy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by unknown
    i always stack to wieks' team because he bought me the game and i'm obligated to be his medic forever and ever.
    i always stack to unknown because i like making up songs to the tune of "Apples N Bananas"

    The only way to ensure no stack is to make it impossible to pick which team you get on, like arena, but that would piss even more people off so it ain't happening

    Oh and for the record IP i never thought you and versed were stackers you always end up on the other team because you wait so long to join one.
    i also enjoy taunting versed on occasion to liven up our encounters

  10. #20
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BillNyetheScienceGuy
    you always end up on the other team because you wait so long to join one.
    usually means I'm going for another beer...

    If I were gonna stack, I wouldn't stack w/ Versed. I'd join Bill Nye. With science on my side, I'd have to win, right?

    *Apples N Bananas makes me think of that Barney song that Baby Bop always sang. "I like to eat, eat, eat, apples n bananas...."*

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