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Thread: "Versed and Insomnia are Team Stackers"

  1. #1
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    "Versed and Insomnia are Team Stackers"

    (I didn't want to derail Stohr's thread any further with my own rant but I wanted to post this because I think people are judging me when they clearly do not have the facts of the situation. So, I'll put it in the flame bucket where it belongs.)

    First, I'm not personally offended because a) it's a game and b) I don't really get offended easily.

    I'll speak my point and you can all go on thinking whatever makes you sleep better at night...

    Tarquin and some other players from #2 have commented that Versed and I stack.

    Know the facts:

    We play together once or twice a week (about 2-8 hours total) every week or 2 weeks. Usually it's on the weekend. I join random (and ALWAYS have) and he joins the team I'm on unless it's full and won't let him.

    When we walk away for something at the start of a round and the teams fill up, we join other teams and just play until a slot opens up on whichever team gets a slot first. Even though I am perfectly capable as an admin of placing us on the same team, I have never done so in more than a year of being an admin.

    Many regulars stack and the whole topic of "stacking" is debatable. My personal opinion is that 98% of the time people cry "stack!" there is no stack at all. But that's another issue entirely.

    My issue is with people trying to say I stack with Versed when we hardly ever even play together and when I have ALWAYS randomed in all the time I've played on SourceOP. It's laughable, really...

    Two people who happen to be close friends and live in the same house choose to play on the same team of a game they both enjoy a couple of hours together once or twice every couple of weeks and suddenly we're "stackers"? OMG! Someone call the e-police!

    I happen to know there are some groups/clans who play on SourceOP servers who use Vent to chat, plan which team they're all going to play on, plan their class balance and more. Some of these "groups" play every single day, sometimes for hours a day.

    Yet, you call out my name because I play with my husband once or twice a week for a little while when I can find the time?

    In fact, we had this game for over a year and barely even played together. We played at completely different times of the day where I would be on late night/ early morning and he would be on midday.

    We only started doing the medic/soldier thing on #2 because we would try to purposely choose the "non-stacked" team and help them out. It also gives more challenge to the other team if they feel they have to take out our duo-team instead of just steam-rolling the team. They spend time chasing us around while the rest of our team advances. It's a good distraction.

    But when that duo isn't working, we switch to whatever else is needed to help the team. If our team is getting owned by spies and there are no pyros, we both switch to pyro. We have no engies on a defense map and only 1 medic, we choose one of each. No one's trying to cap the points, we both go scout and rush together...

    You don't have to like Versed as a person. That's really none of my business nor my concern. But to lump me into an untrue statement simply because we're married is unfair. It seems lately that this is what some individuals are doing to me simply because they don't like Versed.

    I've always enjoyed SourceOP, the servers and the community very much. I have played on #2 since it was created. I was the first and only admin there (aside from DF) and I helped to build it and ensure it remained a fun and fair place to play. Most of you who consider yourselves "regulars" I can still remember the first times I saw you on the servers, back when you were "nobodies" yourselves.

    For whatever reason, in the past 1-2 months, a small handful of players have started randomly picking on me and this stacking accusation just seems another one of those events. It's ok if you don't like me. I don't expect that every single person who meets me will.

    However, if you're going to pick or me or try to call me out on something, don't choose something that's not only untrue, but 100% the opposite of who I am as a player and an admin and of what I stand for. You're only going to make yourself look like a fool.

  2. #2
    Isuxdix's Avatar

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    And here I thought flame bucket was meant to call people faggots and explain why in 2-3 sentences tops. This is daunting.

    I'd say the only solution to team stacking to counter the argument "I want to play and talk with friends" would be to add all-talk throughout the entire match.
    But of course that takes away from strategy elements of the game when us pubbies are actually using strategy.

  3. #3
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    I don't personally feel there needs to be a solution to team stacking and like you said, all talk would mess up players who are trying to strategize. There are only 2 things I have a problem with:

    1. Intentionally trying to circumvent the autobalancer
    2. So horrendously unbalanced it kills the server and stats go down the pooper

    To issue #1, I think a warning to the individual and subsequent temp-ban would serve just fine and to #2, possibly an ability for key individuals to initiate a vote for team scramble.

    For example, something I could use from the admin control panel to initiate a scramble or vote to scramble if the unbalanced teams were such a severe issue that it was clearing the server and preventing others from being able to play.

    Also for Isux: Someone is a fag because they don't agree with what I say on the Internetz!

  4. #4
    Isuxdix's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by insomniaprincess
    #2, possibly an ability for key individuals to initiate a vote for team scramble.
    This is silly. Although, true enough, there is an admin online a good portion of the time you can't guarantee key individuals to be on each server all the time.
    Unless you allowed it for a ton of people, but then there would be issues into favoritism and shit like that.

    A fix for THAT problem would be to allow the !votescramble option for everyone. Though that will only pass if a portion of the stacking team doesn't want to keep winning which is rare.

    Edit: The whole unavoidable stacking problem is the main reason I started playing and kept playing arena.

  5. #5
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Isuxdix

    A fix for THAT problem would be to allow the !votescramble option for everyone. Though that will only pass if a portion of the stacking team doesn't want to keep winning which is rare.
    Yes, and also, people would be hitting !votescramble every time they are losing or dying. It would get abused too much.

    And by "key" individuals, I meant admins and/or someone DF deems capable of having such ability as that would be his decision to make, not mine.

  6. #6
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by insomniaprincess
    Yes, and also, people would be hitting !votescramble every time they are losing or dying. It would get abused too much.

    make it so 60% of the server needs to initiate the votescramble.

    it's pretty hard to argue that it's being abused if more than half the server (including people on the stacked team) wants to scramble.

    also, using a function often is not the same as abusing it.

  7. #7
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    make it so 60% of the server needs to initiate the votescramble.
    Quote Originally Posted by Isuxdix
    Though that will only pass if a portion of the stacking team doesn't want to keep winning which is rare.

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    ok then there should be no harm in implementing it then, right?

    prove me wrong.

    p.s. i'm fully capable of reading, by the way.

  9. #9
    Isuxdix's Avatar

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    Edit: fast responses

    The conclusion: 60% votescramble might help but it's p. UMpossible to fix stacking problems. Unless you join arena.

    Which gets me thinking, isn't the whole 'change maps after 4 wins in a row' a method of unstacking teams? Wouldn't it just be better to play the map the full 30 minutes and team scramble after 3-4 wins in a row like arena?

    Why the fuck didn't I think of this before.

    Edit2: In fact isn't it pretty stupid to change maps after four wins in a row? That like penalizes the amount of time you might play on a map you like just because teams are stacked (and makes hydro impossible to unstack). Just scramble the fuckin' teams!

  10. #10
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    killing your friend is much more satisfying than being on his team.

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