Has anyone here played the new online FPS Section 8? I just stumbled across it today while I was in EB and I'm not sure what to make of it. Wave of the future or just another FPS clone?
Has anyone here played the new online FPS Section 8? I just stumbled across it today while I was in EB and I'm not sure what to make of it. Wave of the future or just another FPS clone?
the new tribes maybe?...hopefully...
i saw it at frys. also curious for good reviews.
still waiting for huxley.
If you have a 360, they have the demo on XBL.
Here's a somewhat in-depth 3 page review of the game.
hmmmm...I'm definitely going to try it.
looks/seems like Battlefield to me.
not really into that type of game play. Would be if it was what it showed in the trailer .. but CGI and all that crap.
I dunno. I might pick it up for $30 or so, but I dont need another BF game that badly.
you mean call of duty 1-8 were different games?
BF 2142 wasn't that bad of a game actually. I was thinking this could be a newer version of BF. Unfortunately, the trailers don't show very much of gameplay. Then again, Zeitgeist did intrigue me with that Huxley game. ANy idea what the monthly fee for that Huxley game will be(Zeitgeist)?Originally Posted by SilverFox
eh, there are some game-play videos on youtube if you want to see it play ...
the respawn system seems 100% just like BF 2142 .. and they're claiming its some sort of new innovation or something .. I dunno.
Like I said .. at about $30, I might pick it up, not blowing $50 on it though.