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  1. #1
    kinda_fellin's Avatar

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    A$$hat admins

    I was playing on the source op server in HL2DM today and some guy saying he was an admin ( not sure if he really was or not ) had taken his teams flag out of the map on a CTF map. Long story short I told him how shitty it was and he ended up banning me. So if there arent any other servers using this plugin, I'd just like to say thanks to whoever made this plugin it was fun until the a$$hat admin screwed it all up.

  2. #2
    khjb007's Avatar

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    Re: A$$hat admins

    Quote Originally Posted by kinda_fellin
    I was playing on the source op server in HL2DM today and some guy saying he was an admin ( not sure if he really was or not ) had taken his teams flag out of the map on a CTF map. Long story short I told him how shitty it was and he ended up banning me. So if there arent any other servers using this plugin, I'd just like to say thanks to whoever made this plugin it was fun until the a$$hat admin screwed it all up.
    1. it was only a 5 min ban

    2. calling an admin in a deragatory term such as "asshole" and using words like "shit" and "fuck" when talking to an admin can result in a kick or a 5 min ban at least.

    3. your attitude towards admins is absolutely inappropriate. you have no respect for the admins as well as other players. if you were an admin and a player keeps calling you hacker, asshole, etc, you wouldn't just ignore him.

    4. it seems like you got mad because you got banned. that means you don't know what you did wrong. think before you post a thread like this.

    5. A$$hat admins? are you asking to be banned again or what? this section is "Flame Bucket" but it doesn't tell you to disrespect admins and call them whatever the hell you feel like calling them. treat others as you want them to treat you.

    6. it seems like you like the server. if you like the server, learn to respect admins and players playing on the server. stop using deragatory terms and help other people with jetpack. you have played on the server for quite a bit of time, but you have never thought about registering on the forum and complain about 5 min ban while calling admins A$$hat until today. You haven't donated any money of course. You are not helping the server in any way yet you mention that you like the server. Don't lie.

    7. I belive there were at least 16 people playing on the server at that time. You were the only one complaining and saying that it's shitty. You should have left the server and found another one instead of insulting an admin in a way that's not tolerated.

    8. I can seriously write at least 5 more good reasons to ban you for at least a year but I will stop here. If you are still mad at admins who try to keep the server peaceful and clean, go find another server. You are not doing ANYTHING helpful to the server and you have no right to complain about 5 min ban which you deserved.

    9. and the flag. accidents can happen and I accidentally deleted one of the flags while carrying it. I have never made that mistake before and it was really an accident. so I deleted the other flag too and basically turned a ctf_lockdown into a dm_lockdown. there's really no difference except the turret in the spawn areas. and what is your problem again?

  3. #3
    kinda_fellin's Avatar

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    1. it was only a 5 min ban - I wasnt aware it was only 5 minutes.

    2. 2. calling an admin in a deragatory term such as "asshole" I never called you an asshole. - The only time i called you anything derogatory was when i got on this forum and called you an a$$hat.

    3. your attitude towards admins is absolutely inappropriate. - My attitude towards respectable admins is just fine. When i was under the impression the admin was deleting his own flag to further his own ambitions and play above the rules then I get shitty.

    4. it seems like you got mad because you got banned. - I was mad plenty before i got banned. I dont feel i did anything wrong. Therefore me posting this on here makes perfect sense.

    5. A$$hat admins? are you asking to be banned again or what?
    this section is "Flame Bucket" but it doesn't tell you to disrespect admins and call them whatever the hell you feel like calling them. treat others as you want them to treat you. - I'll give you this one. It should have been a$$hat admin.

    6. You are not helping the server in any

    way - I have helped all kinds of people with the jetpack. A lot of them just don't do as instructed and i quit on them. I work in IT helping people for a living. This is a leisurely past time. If people want tech support they should find this or some other forum. Not spend all day asking over and over again how to use the jetpack.

    7. You were the only one complaining and saying that

    it's shitty. If i recall correctly there were a few other people on my team complaining about it.

    8. This is just you still being mad over the incident...

    9. and the flag. accidents can happen and I accidentally deleted one of the flags while carrying it. I have never made that mistake before and it was really an accident. so I deleted the other flag too and basically turned a ctf_lockdown into a dm_lockdown. there's really no difference except the turret in the spawn areas.

    and what is your problem again? My problem is you didnt seem very honest in what was going on at the time. All you would have had to do is tell everyone what had happened. The way it looks to me is that you were wanting someone to go on a flaming streak.

    Im not even one to bitch about this kinda stuff but here I am on this forum posting my first and second posts about an admin that doesnt seem to understand that being an admin is about keeping the peace, communicating to the players when comething is wrong, and not abusing your power.

  4. #4
    khjb007's Avatar

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    ok instead of writing a long list, I'll just mention a few things.

    you already admitted your mistake in number 1.
    you should have asked why you got banned instead of talking shit about
    the admin who banned you for only short period of time and for several
    good reasons. you didn't even ask how long your ban time was.

    what you said in number 5 and in the last paragraph is again,
    not appropriate. You are still calling me asshat or asshole or whatever
    because you simply have no respect for me. I just wonder what would
    happen if you called Naq or DF asshole in the forum or in game.

    I'm an admin and you are forgetting this fact. If you have no respect for me, I can't respect you. What you should have said when you felt that I was doing something wrong is something like "hey admin I don't think this is fair. I don't see enemy flag and is there any way can you restore that?" instead of saying "what the fuck? this is bullshit man this sucks" blah blah~ I bet you would've banned me permanently if I did the same thing on your server unless you are desperate to have players play on your server. And yes used deragatory terms in game too before you came to the forum. Don't lie. I have proof.

    By talking shit about me, you only get yourself into more trouble and
    it doesn't get you anywhere. If you really think that you haven't done
    anything wrong and I was abusing powers, which I wasn't, you deserve
    at least a week ban. You need time to think before posting a stupid
    thread like this. I'm a skilled half-life 2 player whether you agree or
    not. I never use noclip and god to kill people and this is the truth so
    don't argue about it.

    You are challenging an admin and calling him using deragatory terms and
    that can already get you kicked or banned from other servers!!! PERIOD.

    I don't know about other admins but I monitor and play on the server
    as often as I possibly can. I've been playing on the server for more
    than 250 hours and so far, you are the only person who disrespected
    an admin.

  5. #5
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    im not an admin, but i have some advice for fellin. ALWAYS wait a few days and retry the server before you post about a ban, this gives you time to think about the situation more so you dont go spouting crap that gets you perma-banned.

    another peice of advice is that, during your time not posting profane crap on the server's forums, retry the server at increments in time such as: every hour for about 5 hours, then every day untill you post. then, in your post, ask about the conditions and possibly the reasons for your ban, i know that when i used to play in the zTolerance servers, 90% of all bans were either 10-40minute bans or perma-bans that could be easily reversed with a realization of fault, proof of the admin's fault (if you arent an ass hole about presenting it) and in severe cases (like hacking and blatant cheating) a public appology and a nominal donation.( fyi. the other 10% are people that donated and hacked/ceated again)

    i know this sounds like stupid advice, but it always helps for most people who try it.

  6. #6
    Naquadria's Avatar

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    Ok this ends right now... Both of you quit your fucking bitching and GET OVER IT.

    5. A$$hat admins? are you asking to be banned again or what? this section is "Flame Bucket" but it doesn't tell you to disrespect admins and call them whatever the hell you feel like calling them. treat others as you want them to treat you.
    Definition of the Flame Bucket Forum

    Flame Bucket
    A place where you can shout, yell, and scream at others and feel that bit of relief that you get after you get it off your chest. Please keep all shouting and arguments in here and not into other forums.

    Ok this forums was made just so people can complain about whatever, including admins. Which is probably not a good idea to do, but we do let people express their opinions.

    So from reading all this, most of it being pointless, I see that khjb007 deleted an object on accident. Then kinda_fellin started swearing at khjb007 for doing it. Now I think next time, before you come on here and start complaining about an admin deleting his own flag just to "Further his own ambition and play above the rules", you need to get your facts straight, instead of jumping the gun.

    I think both of you got a little "hot headed" and inflamed the situation way too much. So please.......... move on. There is no point on draging this out any more.

  7. #7
    khjb007's Avatar

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    kinda_fellin's lack of maturity sorta led him to post this thread
    and yes maybe I was being immature too
    Age usually doesn't have anything to do with maturity but it does

    And I wasn't mad at all
    I just had extra time during work so I decided to write an "essay"
    in a listing format and I was only answering his complaints

  8. #8
    Naquadria's Avatar

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    /Thread Closed - I don't want to hear anymore of it.

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