Ugga I've found a lot of good ones but really only aimp2 do the "media" buttons stay dedicated.It sounds very good 2 but its a hog heh.I haven't used a mic for years and have muted them ever since children started playing these gamesSo I have a ton of binds / macros wtf you like to call them.
Any good media player feedback would be cool thx in advanceMost that I found either had the same problem or came back fishy at
So when I press play / pause and next track it spams my p and g key.I could unbind those but shit I've used those 2 keys for the same thing for yearsG = Good Job / P = my spy script :
alias unspy_class "bind 1 slot1; bind 2 slot2; bind 3 slot3; bind 4 slot4; bind 5 slot5; unspy_class2"
alias unspy_class2 "bind 6 slot6; bind 7 slot7; bind 8 slot8; bind 9 slot9"
alias spy_scout "say_team SPY AS SCOUT; unspy_class"
alias spy_sniper "say_team SPY AS SNIPER; unspy_class"
alias spy_soldier "say_team SPY AS SOLDIER; unspy_class"
alias spy_demoman "say_team SPY AS DEMOMAN; unspy_class"
alias spy_medic "say_team SPY AS MEDIC; unspy_class"
alias spy_hw "say_team SPY AS HWGUY; unspy_class"
alias spy_pyro "say_team SPY AS PYRO; unspy_class"
alias spy_spy "say_team SPY AS SPY; unspy_class"
alias spy_eng "say_team SPY AS ENGINEER; unspy_class"
alias spy_class "bind 1 spy_scout; bind 2 spy_sniper; bind 3 spy_soldier;bind 4 spy_demoman; bind 5 spy_medic; spy_class2"
alias spy_class2 "bind 6 spy_hw; bind 7 spy_pyro; bind 8 spy_spy; bind 9 spy_eng"
bind "p" "spy_class"
Press the bound key once then 1-9 to tell what the spy is dressed as.After that it resets to 1-9 slots.