hellmets right. http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Grenade_launcher Console version only.
hellmets right. http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Grenade_launcher Console version only.
You and hellmet are wrong.Originally Posted by Snarf
Even on PC, Demoman had 6 nades after release. An early update changed it to 4 due to it being over powered, but the model was never changed.
You won't be able to, because it never existed on pc.Originally Posted by Hell-met
Having played demoman from release as my primary class, I can assure you that the class had six primary nades per magazine.Originally Posted by Hell-met
This picture was taken on January 7th, 2008. Around a month after TF2's inital release.
I was a fresh demo who had just joined in 2fort's secondary spawnroom.
4/30 grenades.
Fun fact - that sniper is a real friend of mine who crashed, thus the lack of weapon in his hands.
(You can even see Mr.Iceman's name in the killicons. He no longer plays at SOP)
It may be possible that the number of nades changed before that Hell.....
Okay, even older.
December 21st, 2007
The change from 6 to 4 happened well before the carryable amount nerf (Feb 29th 200Originally Posted by Hell-met
and before your screenshot.
As I stated, it was a change that was made early after release (Oct 2007).
I clearly remember a 6 round magazine. I also remember the instance when in which I had realized they nerfed it. I have never played the console version.
It's surprising to me that it's not in any change log, but it was 6 at one time.
They wouldn't have mentionned such a drastic change in the update logs?
I have played since the beta too, bro.
Ya bro! I didn't even play beta though bro.
If you read around, others recall it having 6 too. I am in no way suggesting cause others say it, it must be true. However...