Today I was playing on maps2 having a grand old time with nerds around the globe when a message pops up on the text screen by Versed.
I was pleasantly surprised he got admin since I know he's been a part of source for a while, but what he said was disturbing.
He said there should not be chat unless it was related to the gaming at hand.
Granted, we had an annoying fucktard screaming into the mic and he promptly kicked him which was great... but saying we should only be chatting about the game? Fuck that.
I don't play sourceop servers to hear "spy behind me" and "sentry on the right" and pure silence. I always come back to source because of you crazy geeks that play and talk about dumb shit.
So, being the dick I was, I started trolling Versed, asking if DF would tell people to only chat about the game. He said he wasn't DF.
Quite obvious.
Then I started making fun of the rule, telling people to be quiet whenever they didn't talk about the game. Asking if me getting my dick sucked while playing the game would be bannable.
Quite understandably I was gagged and rightfully so because I would have trolled the rest of the game (Other's were gagged too, though they weren't trolling the admin, I think he might have actually gagged people for not talking about game matters).
It's really concerning when an admin says you can't talk about anything non-game related in the server. It pretty much sucks the fun right out of playing for those who have played a map a 1000 times.
This is just shy of an admin kicking someone just because they get dominated by a guy a lot. It reeks of the 'drunken with power' stereotype.
It's gross, it's offensive, and goddamnit, as much as you people may want, i don't want to try and find another server with as many funny dumb nerds as this one
I don't know what should happen. I always liked Versed on these forums so I was surprised at what he said so maybe just an understanding that voicechat about non-game related things shouldn't be gaggable/kickable/bannable unless you are screaming like an idiot?