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but, by definition, trash talk IS harassment
  /həˈræs, ˈhærəs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [huh-ras, har-uhs] Show IPA
Use harassment in a Sentence
–verb (used with object)
1. to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.
2. to trouble by repeated attacks, incursions, etc., as in war or hostilities; harry; raid.
but be honest with yourself: you wouldn't feel the need to kick/ban a guy calling another man a "c-word." but you'd probably do it if it was directed toward a female.
if you say "well sir, raider of wombs, it's completely different!"
I say to you "equal rights and treatment!"
because if you're going to let guys call each other the c word since it isn't nearly as offensive as when it's directed toward women; you might as well let white guys call other white guys the n-word.
my thoughts on the "c-word" and the "n-word" are that if you're letting a word hurt your feelings you should get the fuck off the internet.
also, i'm not tryign to be argumentative and/or stubborn about any of this. It's just an observation. and, if you think about it objectively you'll find it to be true.
if you still feel that the "c word" is as unacceptable as the "n-word" in your server, i encourage you to bust out the server logs and search through for it, the n-word, jew, fag, and other similar slurs and treat the offenders the same way.
also, another thing to take into consideration: in the UK and other parts of the world, the "c-word" is used on the regular, and not considered nearly as offensive as it is here
i hope this brings the world one step closer to not being populated by a bunch of sissies and there not being an "outrage" and demanding of apologies every time anyone says anything
p.s. can you imagine being a homosexual black jewish woman? you would be angry ALL THE TIME!