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Thread: Additional server hosting?

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    MrShawn305's Avatar

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    Additional server hosting?

    So I have a rackmount server in Kansas City, MO that I had a dream in mind for, but it just never came to be. So the server is there running idle and I would love to see it get some use. Idk why I never thought to offer it up here before, seeing as I've played here for a long time. Maybe could make a good test environment or match server. If it's something that ends up getting used, I will continue to keep up with maintenance on it and upgrade it to a newer machine. I own the hardware outright and just pay the colo at the datacenter so it's not shared with anyone. It's currently set up as a VMware host and has 13 usable static IP's, a gigabit connection with 20TB of transfer per month. Is this something you all could put to use?

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    MrShawn305's Avatar

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    Damn so nobody has any input? I'm not asking for money, I just want to put it to use. Could be used as a test environment even. Just hoping to do something with it and it would be awesome to have a community to do cool stuff with.

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    <crickets> @Skyrider

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    Sorry that I didn't reply sooner.

    It does sound awesome, if I'm being honest. Though just out of curiosity. What would happen if we are in some kind of disagreement later on? The players would in the end be hurt by it.

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    @Skyrider,, valid question. I'm 34 years old and I don't deal in petty BS. If it came to it I could lease the server space for probably cheaper than what you're paying now anyway. There's no sense in a well established community (that I've enjoyed since like 200 suffering harm over a disagreement. There really wouldn't be anything to disagree about though. I could spin you up a VM, assign it a static IP and give you admin control of it. You do with it as you please and let me know if you have any issues that require my assistance.

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