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LOL wtf is that shite.Lock some1 in a dark room and play that shit for a couple days they would come out a babbling fool
Pearl Jam was great one of the few bands you could pop in the CD and enjoy the whole album.I still think thats why people started sharing illegal music.I mean wtf pay $16 for a CD and get 3 or 4 songs worth a shit rofl

I like Pearl Jam but was never felt I could enjoy the entire cd. A few bands that I could do that for are:
Nine Inch Nails,
great band. very different, i cant classify them.
Ashes Divide,
never heard of em
Marcy Playground,
another great band and no they are not a one hit wonder, i like alot of these guys songs.Third Eye Blind,
see Marcy playgroundPuddle of Mudd,
only know a few
Eve 6,
ah they are ok
not a big 80s fan, but ill take them over guns and roses
Guns n Roses, not a big 80s fan
Ashes Divide being a newer band formed by the guitarist who created A Perfect Circle. It's really such a great cd they have out that all the songs are amazing.
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