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Thread: Hello SourceOP

  1. #1
    Ex-'s Avatar

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    Lightbulb Hello SourceOP

    First off I would like to simply say Hi, this is basically my introductory thread although I'm not sure how many people read a Misc. section of any forum, however I decided to do it anyways.

    About me

    I have been gaming on the PC since the age of 5/6 mainly due to the fact that all of my brothers are older and had been actively playing on the PlayStation and older generation gaming machines much earlier and had moved onto the computer, around the time I started to be interested in what they were playing they had been on what I recall to be Half life CS 1.4 Mod, which is where my gaming life started.

    I began to play Counter strike and would barley play any other game, I followed Counter Strike through the generations and have although I had multiple breaks around source release I went on to Call of Duty for sometime, I always came back to counter strike. It's my game. It's all I know!

    I am currently 19 years old, just finished college and am now a fully qualified electrician going on electrical engineer. I live in the united kingdom and have the dream of moving to Australia when life takes me there.

    My Online experience mainly consists of myself playing with a lot of Americans and have done for the past couple of years, I have no idea why but they're now my friends and wouldn't change that. I am a twitch moderator for Hiko and some of you may know is a Professional Counter Strike player and more recently Twitch Staff along with being a great guy to be around with a good sense of humor.

    Why SourceOp?

    So I decided that I have been sinking into the depths of Global Offensive recently and thought if I am going to get into the trading scene I would need to join these websites I've seen floating about all these years. All these years they have been for TF2 and now there's so many that incorporate Counter Strike it's unreal! Anyhow I am set on becoming active (hopefully) within the counter strike community on these sorts of forums, when I come to trade regularly I will create a reputation thread where I can keep track of all my trades and is a good profile to show others when you wish to trade with them.

    Like I said originally I'm not sure how many people read these but to those who do, Hi and I hope to see you around.

    PS: I do not add people on steam that I do not know and I believe this links to my account so please don't feel the need to add me, also level 0 accounts are automatically blocked.

  2. #2
    Yossef's Avatar

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    You won't be having any rep thread or even be using our forums, if you don't read and understand the rules first, just sayin'
    Don't do this to me ;_;

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yossef View Post
    You won't be having any rep thread or even be using our forums, if you don't read and understand the rules first, just sayin'
    Just saying... I actually went through each thread including rules etc to make sure that I know them. Hence I haven't even created my rep thread yet, you sound really prejudice of new members, it's actually a lot to take in and read through for someone who hasn't even been on these forums before, I am even waiting to get badges to level up to 8 on steam before doing anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yossef View Post
    or even be using our forums
    Sounds like a threat. Maybe as a moderator, when someone new to "your" forum the fist thought would be to help and suggesting things to do as a "newbie". Just my thoughts of what a good forum would do. Are you suggesting I have broke a rule or just being prejudice assuming I am going to?

    Thanks for your concern, once again " Just sayin' " lol

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    Perhaps switching your profile to public can be a good start.
    Don't do this to me ;_;

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yossef View Post
    Perhaps switching your profile to public can be a good start.
    Automatically assessing someone due to a private profile shouldn't be first instinct, In fact it's absurd. there are many reasons a lot of people have private profiles. Yes a few of them reasons are negative, but there are other reasons. I have set my profile to private due to the fact that I don't like real life friends viewing my time played on certain games. I also stated above that I never have been part of these forums before so I haven't met people like you who go crazy over private profiles other than on Counter-Strike if you batter them to the ground. Asking someone to have an Open profile before you actually speak to them normally and maturely is immature in itself, especially for a SourceOP Moderator as stated on your profile. (Especially since I stated that I haven't been part of steam community's before.)

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    Welcome to the forums man, hope things work out in the future with you getting into trading and whatnot. And also with going to Australia. That's a place I've always wanted to visit.

    As far as trading and getting into it, just be careful with who you deal with so you don't get scammed. Always check people out on SteamRep, always. SteamRep doesn't have every bad person marked on Steam, but it's a great initial step to cover your ass. Pay attention to your spidey senses.

    As far as Private Profiles, that is a major turnoff in the trading world. Some sites won't allow you to utilize features until you have it set to Public.

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    Both private profiles and low steam levels are forbidden if you want to use this site for trading. I see you are already making friends with our mods.

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    damnit i was looking forward to infracting
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

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