Quake 3
No particular order.
Quake 3
No particular order.
I'm torn between my "favorites" and "most played" which aren't necessarily the same 5...
For example, I spent years of my life in Conquer and while it was a cool game, I may not have spent so much time hooked on it were it not free and myself not old enough to work yet
Also: CS1.6 > CSS - happy to see that on ppl's lists
will edit this with my official list soon![]()
1. team fortress 2-pc
2. super smash brother mellee-gamecube
3. lemmings-pc
4. duke nukem-pc
5. rock and roll racing-super nintendo
If you posted a console game, you need to start comprehending what you read.
Tribes/Tribes2 classic (best shooters ever, hands down)
TF2 (shooter I've played the most after the tribes series)
Baldur's Gate series
Diablo series
Things I remember fondly: Commander Keen, Lemmings, Rocket Arena in Quake, Ultima Online.
Tribes 1 and 2
Team Fortress 2
Battlezone 1 and 2
Battlefield 2 and 1942
I guess that's 7, but I have an easier time narrowing it down to my favorite series. Honorable mention goes to Call of Duty, NHL series, and Audiosurf.
right...Originally Posted by Drbumpy
counter strike
heroes of might and magic
duke nukem
command and conquer
1 --> 5
Fallout series
Max Payne Series
Silent Hunter series
Diablo series
Tribes series
Lists are gay
So here I goooo
1. TF2 - I have not spent more hours on any other pc game by far.
2. Starcraft - Go ahead HQ. In the pipe, 5 by 5. Hang in we're in for some chop.
3. Total Annihilation - this game was hella awesome. HELLA
4. Civilization 2 - No explanation needed.
5. Fallout 3 - I loved Oblivion but I fucking love post apocalyptic shit. Mods are only making it better.
X-com should be in there somewhere too but I only just started playing it.
X-com should be in there somewhere too but I only just started playing it.[/quote
Funny you mention that last one. I've been playing XCOM Apocalypse for the last few months though i have taken a break since it's such a long game.
I've always wanted to get into that one, i heard the PC versions are far better than the console versions too. I might pick 'em up on steam later.Originally Posted by korben