What does RTFM stand for anyways.
Nobody bite
Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
read the fucking manual
actually his name is FFS-RTFM
FFS = for fucks sake
RTFM = read the fucking manual
I found the flame bucket and can still barely read your stupid writing nor do I really fucking care what people think much less an asshat like youOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
As far as gaming goes TFC from '99 I'd probably slaughter you badly.Any fn time you wanna mulch lemme know k thx.TF2 if you use the same name as here I've played against you a couple times.I burnt you like bacon till you left both times ff.
I love when people toss that fag word around.I've beat people like rented mules for much less.The one time some1 actually said that to me in rl I boxed him silly then planted my knee in his stupid face and gave him a nice roundhouse to the liver haha
shoulda just let this thread finish dying, it was almost there.