76561197968599044 Steam join date: Aug 31, 2004
Steam Level: 239
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This is not a job for us, we are not a for-profit site like many of the other trading sites (op/wh/many others). We are volunteers and under no obligation to provide you any service or use whatsoever on these forums. If I had an extra 12 hours a week and was paid, sure we could do more, but I dont and I know the other admins dont either.
PP is the easiest method to verify transactions since its use is so broad, others simply do not provide the same level of ability to cross check trades/traders, we dont have the time to look into and allow a dozen different payment methods and the type of disputes that arise from them. Any improvements (and we put in a lot over the past 2-3 years) are done on our own time and expense. (see previously linked thread as it seems you did not read it)
I am not sorry we provide a free service and you are not 100% satisfied with it.