DF is going to program a command to initiate a vote to scramble teams!
He made me this requirements document.
DF is going to program a command to initiate a vote to scramble teams!
He made me this requirements document.
what the fuck
its gonna get abused every single round
i want to play with friends, not terrible pubbers
As a primary medic, I oppose this. My epeen stroking points are directly related to the epeen stroking points of the pros I decide to pocket heal. >
But srsly, I understand it. Not saying I'm supra fond of it, 'cause I've made a few friends on the servers, but I understand why.
Can't wait for this to go into effect on the goldrush server, make it to where a team has to have a certain lead or has won a couple rounds before it can be initiated or something so it can't be spammed, or give it a once a map or once an hour cooldown.
put it on goldrush only
Heck no!
The sole reason for requesting to put this option on Gold Rush only is you are ticked about being passed quickly in the stats category (through what you think are cheap tactics). I have met some great regulars and enjoy playing with them just as much as the other servers.
A vote scramble option on Gold Rush will not stop others from gaining points faster then the other servers (even the non-stacked teams can gain serious points). If you want to stop others from passing you in the standings then you have to start playing on the server.
One more point, team stacking on Gold Rush becomes a problem at certain points of the day. Its virtually impossible to team stack between 7-11pm as a great percentage of players are regulars. Any other time all it takes it as few as four people for unbalanced team play.
A vote to scramble the teams.....hmm, i don't know how that one would play out because if the other team is getting beat badly they would call for the vote just because they are losing and not because the teams are nessaraily stacked.
Then again i don't see the vote ever going through unless you only need 45% or less as 50% of the vote is already on the stacked team. hmmm....
I don't know about that, LMA - I kind of think that if teams really are stacked to the point that they need to be scrambled, several people on the winning team will vote yea also. True steam rolling isn't fun for anyone (most of the complaints about team stacking are bullshit, at least on VM1).
I think the real hurdle is whatever # of people usually don't vote at all, or typically miss the vote. Because this exists on some value, getting 50% is more like getting 60% or something.
I just hope it can't be spammed. /didn't read link.
have none of you clicked the link?
the link was the best part!