SourceOP V.I.P
76561198032692694 Steam join date: Oct 31, 2010
Steam Level: 26
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Originally Posted by
This new info we have to post on rep threads gives scammers more information. I was recently scammed be an impersonator that used this info to trick me into sending first. For example he told me that last time I sent first-which I did-and the amount we traded. I'm not saying I wasn't at fault, but scammers can target people who send first as they are most likely less experienced than the user who sent second.
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Why can't I edit this post?
First of all, it is your responsibility to verify identity of the person you are talking to. Secondly, people who impersonate reputable traders usually try to scam inexperienced ones and it has nothing to do with the information that you provide in the reputation comments.