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Thread: Reputation & Trade back online, Down-vote System and other changes.

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    Reputation & Trade back online, Down-vote System and other changes.

    Hey everyone.

    We have included a new feature that everyone should be familiar with, and you may have already noticed that in every post you'll see a shield icon. Before I'll mention what they are used for, let me give you guys a heads-up first.

    They are not used to replace your current positive (or neutral) reputation that you already have on your reputation thread. The system is going to be used for down-voting people instead. This means you can down-vote scammers yourself, AND ONLY scammers.

    Just to be clear before reading further. Before you down-vote someone, it's important to know that you should have a scammer report ready on

    From there, at the top read through the "How to report trading fraud" information block.

    How to report trading fraud:
    1. Review the SteamRep investigation policy.
    2. Gather your evidence of the scam, including screenshots of chats or inventory history. Evidence is required!
    3. Submit your scam report via SteamREP forums.

    Once you've reported the user on SteamREP with valid evidence, you are welcome to use the downgrade system explained below:

    There are currently a total of 5 type of shields:

    This shield is a neutral shield and everyone here on the forums starts with this one. (yes, even the currently banned & SteamREP marked users I'm still working on that). This shield means your trade reputation is clean and that no one has down-votes you what so ever. If you have this shield, you are good to go. Just don't get down-voted for scamming!

    This means you've been down-voted once. At this point it doesn't necessarily mean you have scammed someone, but it does raise a question for the other users to either trust you, or not. It gives people the idea to do a small back-ground check before trading you. If at all seems to be a misunderstanding, your reputation will be reset to neutral.

    The caution shield is something you will gain when multiple people has down-voted you. It'll be more trouble some and the SourceOP staff will look into it. If at all seems to be a misunderstanding, your reputation will be reset to neutral.

    Having a red semi-banned OR SteamREP marked shield means you've been down-rated by people far too often and your forum account has been limited for it. The difference between "Semi-Banned" and "SteamREP marked" is that SteamREP marked users will get a red SteamREP marked usertitle, while the semi-banned users do not:

    Until things has been checked out, you will stay limited.

    All trade/rep related moderators and administrators will have this green shield. NONE of the regulars will ever get this shield. If they down vote people, they will instantly ban the forum profile. They have no mercy towards scammers.

    So how do I down-vote someone?
    So you may ask.. how to I downvote someone? On every reputation thread and on the first post, you'll see a "report scam" button.

    Use this to down-vote a user. But you may only use this system when:

    1). The person is already a SR marked member on SteamREP
    2). The person you are down-voted has scammed or attempted to scam you.
    3), You've made a scam report on the SteamREP forums on the particular user.
    ---> Phishing / Sharking is not valid under the scamming reasons!

    If you abuse this system in anyway, you'll be removed from the SourceOP forums and your reputation thread will be closed down.

    Further more,

    We've also made a small adjustment to the reputation rules of which mostly aims to people that are leaving reputation to others. The main goal of SourceOP reputations always was to reduce the risk involved in the cash trading by leaving valid and honest reputations to others, hence this small change we've added for all future reputations.

    Be descriptive with your rep comments. They should include:

    a) the type of items
    b) the number of items
    c) the amount of cash
    d) the method of the cash transfer
    e) the information who went first


    I bought 20 keys for 34$ via PayPal. I was given the items first OR I paid first then got the items.


    I sold Unusual Terror-Watt Cold Killer for 204$ via PayPal. I was given the money first OR I gave the unusual first then got the money.

    For those who wish to leave reputation to others, please remember that reputation here on SourceOP should be limited to transactions that took place on SOP and not from other sites. Regardless of how silly this rule may sound, it was made in order to validate the reputation faster.

    And finally, All trade related threads have been to the archive section as we wanted to make a fresh start. So all you have to do is to re-create your trade threads with whatever you want to buy, sell, trade, etc. If by any chance your trade thread was also your reputation thread, then you are welcome to e-mail me back as I'll change that into a valid reputation thread within the reputation section.

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    dak1ne's Avatar

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    Good to see this back and with this new awesome system

  3. #3
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    Glad to see this website back up and running.
    It's been a while since it was online.
    So I'm glad, together with other members (I'm sure), that's is back in business.

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    "c) the amount of cash"
    I don't see why anyone should know how much money the transfer/sale was , maybe the buyer negotiated a better price ? I don't see why any seller would want that on his rep thread

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    Those rules were not established in order to keep track of prices but in order to keep track of the exact trade agreements made between the seller and the buyer.

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    Great to see sourceop back.


    Fun Fact: I used to own 23 Bills' Hats with 22 different colors.

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    thank god, great to see

  8. #8
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    Regarding the reporting and/or down-voting of members:

    To clarify, a currently processing scammer report must be on, and not any 'partner' communities? Posting scammer reports on multiple forums isn't proper procedure; if it's required that the scammer report is posted on, I don't want to advise users to post reports on said communities if they intend to report/down-vote the user here. I'm guessing, if that's correct, that it's to expedite the process of checking for existing and/or processing scammer reports?

  9. #9
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    inb4 people abusing downgrade system

  10. #10
    Skyrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatherix View Post
    Regarding the reporting and/or down-voting of members:

    To clarify, a currently processing scammer report must be on, and not any 'partner' communities? Posting scammer reports on multiple forums isn't proper procedure; if it's required that the scammer report is posted on, I don't want to advise users to post reports on said communities if they intend to report/down-vote the user here. I'm guessing, if that's correct, that it's to expedite the process of checking for existing and/or processing scammer reports?
    Indeed, other communities scam reports don't count at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanade View Post
    inb4 people abusing downgrade system
    I've added some anti-abuse systems in order to prevent a lot of it. E.G new users down-votes won't have any effect, and you have to be steam linked.

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