Are you sponsored by a restaurant or other business? You could always just emulate your local MLS team. Houston Dynamo IIRC.
Fleet feet
Artemis pack
something clever having to do with greek mythology
or theres always:
The Cocoa Cats or The Prissy Pinkies =)
Actually I really like "Cocoa Cats"
Swole Patrol
Nope, we don't have individual team sponsors. It's just all sponsored by the City Parks and Rec.
We just finished girls' softball season and our team was the Heat which was fitting since it was freakin' 100+ degrees every day we played. lol
We just went to district tournament against some real girlie-girls. One team was called the Diamond Divas and they had pink jerseys. lol But OMG, those girls were BIG for 6-8 years olds. Don't know what they were feeding them out there but wow...
Why am I suddenly having bad flashbacks of the 80s?....Originally Posted by Hamm
lol our softball team just played with some Thundercats, too. Actually, there were like 6 teams there with cat names.
How about the mongooses? That/s a cool team name! The Fighting Mongooses!
The Feline Devourers.